2025 - NRG Morning (Networking & Referral Group) - April 25
Date and Time
Friday Apr 25, 2025
7:30 AM - 9:45 AM PDT
Join the BBOT's monthly morning networking and referral group--- meet new contacts, promote your brand and build your business!
Experience the exponential power of networking as facilitated activities connect you with person after person during this fun, lively event.
*Buy One Get One* - With each member ticket you buy, you can bring a "prospective member" along for free to have them experience the Burnaby Board of Trade! You'll look like the hero for bringing them and it'll add one more new face to the event! We just ask that these prospective members be from a different company than you, and not have been a free guest previously.
*Lucky Draw* -- Win prizes at each event! --- Consider donating a door prize for the lucky draw and promote your business!
Event Details:
Date: Friday, April 25
Time: Registration: 7:30am
Event: 7:45am - 9:45am
Venue: White Spot Kensington (6500 Hastings St, Burnaby)
Cost: BBOT Members - $30
NRG Morning events are open exclusively to BBOT members and invited guests only
Register: Call 604-412-0100, email us, or click here to sign up!
BBOT Event Cancellation Policy: Refunds or credits will only be considered when requested at least 3 days prior to an event.